This month's country is Republic of Korea (South Korea)

How many countries can you identify on a blank map? How many countries can you name even if you don't know right where they are? If you feel you need to brush up on some geography, come learn with us. If you already know everything, come show off. We promise to be impressed!

One evening a month we will meet to discuss a country somewhere in the world, locate it on a map, and share everything we have been able to find out about it. There’s so much to learn: people, rivers, cities, language, mountains, food, customs, music, exports, politics, weather, philosophy. We’ll all teach and learn together, and then we’ll choose a country for next time.

Wi-fi is available so bring your devices if you have them and look stuff up on the fly. Better yet, look stuff up before you come, anything at all about this month's country that interests you, so you can share what you have learned with the rest of us. Also bring any suggestions for restaurants for our Let's Eat Geography Meetup.

Hosted by Teresa Cokl the third Thursday of each month.

September 19th, 2019 from  7:00 PM to  9:00 PM
Mesa, AZ 85211
United States