Exploring the conflict between American ideals and the American way-of-life.


The United States is at a crossroads, and we cannot afford a wrong turn. Each of us must answer questions such as: Who am I? Do I live the life I once imagined? Do I like the person I have become? Is my country the place I believed in as a child?

Ms. Damgaard’s book; Schizophrenic America can help Americans answer these questions. It facilitates the process of reflection. It is a layman's guide to cultural awareness, written for young and old, rich and poor. Americans will recognize themselves in every chapter of the book; their trials and tribulations, their daily struggles, disappointments, and broken dreams. Everyone will have an AHA! moment during the reading.
Part One of Schizophrenic America explores the historical, social, and psychological past of our country, and how that past has shaped the here-and-now, our present lives. Readers will awaken! They will begin to understand those forces which impoverish their lives. Schizophrenic America will take the blindfold off America.
Part Two is about Dreaming: How can we create harmony and balance in our lives? An unprecedented wave of empathic people will be at the forefront of a new social movement. They will feel called to help promote holistic healing and prepare America for a New Dawn. They will be enlightened, creative, empathic people – I people – offering hope and encouragement to everyone who cares about human beings and Mother Nature.

About the Author/Presenter:
Anni Damgaard was born and raised in a small village in Denmark. After college and training in medical technology in Copenhagen, she immigrated to the United States.
She worked in a small free-standing emergency room for 20 years, soon recognizing how the body and mind "collaborated" in creating illness in patients. To better understand this "body-mind" connection, she studied psychology for five years in graduate school. Anni also became involved with holistic healthcare, and helped set up a Holistic Healthcare program at the ER where she worked. During that time she also began to study Public Health and published an article focusing on the benefits of merging public health initiatives with holistic healthcare.
In the emergency room Anni treated patients with diverse socio-economic standing and race-ethnic backgrounds. As a result, she recognized that both mind and culture are powerful determinants of health and illness. Consequently she pursued graduate work once again, earning a PhD in sociology.
In the late 1990s Anni began her second career, teaching sociology at Arizona State University. An accumulation of her own and her students' diverse perspectives led to the writing of Schizophrenic America.

The meeting is free and open to the public. Doors open at 9:00 am for socializing with an optional Continental breakfast available for a $5 donation. The meeting begins at 10:00 am.

A Children's Program is available during the Speaker Meeting. Please see the HSGP Meetup for the Children's Program at this meeting for more information and to RSVP with the number of children attending.

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September 9th, 2018 from  9:00 AM to 11:30 AM
Mesa, AZ 85211
United States