Sunday Speaker – Anne Schneider – Finding Hope in the Age of Trump

Sunday Speaker Topic: Anne Schneider - Finding Hope in the Age of Trump


In this presentation, Schneider focuses on finding and generating hope in this time of concern about politics, policy and the state of our democracy. She examines reasons for concern and proposed legislation in Arizona that needs our attention. “Resist” may be our primary slogan over the next several years! The legislative review includes bills passed and those under consideration that impact education, climate, gender identity, women’s sports, diversity/equity/inclusion initiatives, budget, affordable housing, and others. The second part of the talk covers various modes of political participation that might make a difference. The talk closes with some hopeful signals about public policy ideas that could make Arizona a more just and compassionate state.


Anne Schneider, PhD, is a retired political science professor and academic administrator. She has had a life-long interest in how politics and public policy can be a positive force in people’s lives. Anne is a native of Oklahoma. After graduating from Fargo High School and Oklahoma State University, she earned her PhD in political science from Indiana University. She has held faculty positions at Yale University, Oklahoma State University, and Arizona State University. She served as Dean of the College of Public Programs at Arizona State University and then continued at ASU until 2010 with faculty appointments in the School of Justice Studies and the Department of Political Science. Now retired, her work continues as editor of an occasional e-mail newsletter The Arizona Legislative Alert, and an active member of many local organizations.

She has two self-published books of political commentary, “A Self -Confessed White Supremacy Culture,” and “(Dis)Continuing Racism: Essays on Race in America.´ These are available from Amazon. She has two books of self-published poetry, “Desert Poems” and “Reflections”. She has written a memoir, “Living with Uncertainty: A Son’s Traumatic Brain Injury.” Also available from Amazon. Much of her research has been to understand how people can impact politics and public policy, She has two sons, Christopher and Geoffrey.


Please Note:
Doors open at 9:00 am for optional buffet breakfast ($5 donation) and socializing. Speaker program begins at 10:00 am.

Important: $5 breakfast fee waived for awesome humans bringing in food to share!

If you can help with set-up, clean-up, and/or by bringing a breakfast casserole, please go to SignUpGenius HERE.

Children's Program is available during the Speaker Meeting. Go to a separate Meetup to RSVP for your kids HERE.

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  1. Zoom Link:
  2. YOUTUBE: You can watch live (15 second delay), or you can watch later. LINK HERE

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The Humanist Society of Greater Phoenix presents its Sunday Speaker meetings twice a month on Sunday mornings. Meetings are free and open to the public.

**Go to our YouTube channel to see past meetings, presentations and interviews. Please become a subscriber--it's free! LINK HERE
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February 9th, 2025 from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM
MESA, AZ 85201-4009
United States