HSGP's very first Intersectional Discussion Club invites you to explore the crucial topics of reproductive health and living unhoused through an intersectional, humanist lens.
How do systemic inequalities, access to healthcare, and the experience of living unhoused intersect to impact reproductive health? What are the specific challenges faced by unhoused individuals, particularly those who are women, trans, or nonbinary?
**We will also be collecting donations of tampons, pads, and liners for a local gender-inclusive housing program!**
Suggested reading/listening/viewing to prepare for the discussion (NOT required to participate):
- (Video) The U.S. Has a Period Poverty Crisis - NowThis
- (Video) How Do Homeless Women Cope With Their Periods? - Bustle
- (Video) Alexander is a transgender homeless man in Boston - Invisible People
- (Podcast) Pregnant and homeless in Hollywood - Los Angeles Times
- (Article) Pregnant woman struggles to find shelter while living in an SUV - Phoenix 12News
- (Article) Period Poverty Transcending Gender - USC Center for Health Journalism
- (Article) “I Know They Would Kill Me”: Abortion Attitudes and Experiences Among Youth Experiencing Homelessness - Youth & Society
- (Book) Making Room: Three Decades of Fighting for Beds, Belonging, and a Safe Place for LGBTQ Youth - Carl Siciliano
- (Book) Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City - Matthew Desmond
This is a space for thoughtful dialogue, collective learning, and sharing of resources, as we work to connect the dots between reproductive justice and the housing crisis. Whether you're a newcomer or a regular to the Humanist Society of Greater Phoenix, we encourage you to bring your perspective, experiences, and ideas. No prior knowledge required—just a desire to engage, listen, and learn.
Suggested resources for mutual aid/solidarity in the Phoenix area:
RSVP on our Meetup page!
MESA, AZ 85201-4009
United States