SMART Recovery Support Group

Are you or somebody you know suffering from an addiction to alcohol, smoking, drugs, food, or something else? Are you looking for a secular support group for those addictions? We all know about other 12-step groups and the lack of a scientific basis for support, but what about programs for the non-believer? Introducing, SMART recovery!

Hosts: Chris Wojno, Seráh Blain, Ryan Winkle


Are you or somebody you know suffering from an addiction to alcohol, smoking, drugs, food, or something else? Are you looking for a secular support group for those addictions?

We all know about other 12-step groups and the lack of a scientific basis for support, but what about programs for the non-believer? Introducing, SMART recovery!

This event is free and open to the public.

Our Purpose
To support individuals who have chosen to abstain, or are considering abstinence from any type of addictive behaviors (substances or activities), by teaching how to change self-defeating thinking, emotions, and actions; and to work towards long-term satisfactions and quality of life.

Our Approach
* Teaches self-empowerment and self-reliance.
* Encourages individuals to recover and live satisfying lives.
* Teaches tools and techniques for self-directed change.
* Meetings are educational and include open discussions.
* Advocates the appropriate use of prescribed medications and psychological treatments.
* Evolves as scientific knowledge of addiction recovery evolves. If you wish to attend but prefer to RSVP confidentially, send a Meetup Message to one of our hosts. Need to know more? Check out their videos: SMART Recovery

See you there!

Important to know
You may RSVP on this page, as usual, or you may choose to send a private message to the host, Chris. To do so click on his picture below.

March 19th, 2018 from  7:00 PM to  9:00 PM
Mesa, AZ 85211
United States