How can domestic violence be prevented?

How can domestic violence be prevented? Presented by Inquiring Minds Discussion Group
Some follow up questions for clarification:

How many forms of domestic violence are there?
Are there different approaches to solving domestic violence depending on what form it is?

Here is a related article to read beforehand: Domestic Violence Statistics

Go to our Meetup page if you have other articles to share before the meeting and include the url in the comments section. Our Meetup for this event is at: How can domestic violence be prevented?

Bring a snack to share if you like.

Hosted by Richard Dewey the first Saturday of each month.

Please go to our website to learn all about HSGP:

Here is a quick review of what we discussed that day. I attempted to capture notes during the meeting and the following is as close to a faithful (LOL) transcription as I can manage.

* Teaching children how to treat others.

* Increase visibility to the issue on the internet, etc.

* Decrease TV/media sexism.

* Decrease victim blaming.

* A quick discussion about Evolutionary Psychology:

   Is this evolved behaviour?

   Increasing education about our evolved behavior could help us deal with it better.

* Are there anatomical differences (in the brain) in offenders? * Is there a biblical influence?

* How much is this cultural?

* Like personalities tend to attract each other (victim/abuser).

* Increase access to counseling.

* Increase access to safe houses (not easy to find information on them - probably due to security issues).

* Educate for cooperation. * Decrease media sensationaling violence/objectification.

* Violence in professional sports creating a culture?

* Masculinity threatened (again, cultural or biological or both?).

* Male insecurity (related to the above).

* Create equality.

* It can be painful to change the situation (for both victim and abuser).

* Cooperative communities may reduce domesic violence (some of our members live in coops - does increase community visibility help?).

* Reduce socialization/cultural influence in sports (not recalling what this referred to specifically but I'm noting it anyway).

* What are the stats in other countries and what can we learn from that?

* Breaking the cycle - change the school system response to reports from kids, and the blowback from parents.

* Teaching self value/respect - happening through the feminist movement.

* Inequality driven by religion.

* Improve sex education in schools - much more comprehensive and include teaching self respect and respect for others.

* Media portraying domestic violence as acceptable (All in the Family discussed as a possible example - possibly just the opposite?).

* Men won't admit being abused (cultural stigma?).

* Make law enforcement stricter.

* Increase coping skills for kids (related to a recent article posted on our FB page - I added this even though it was after the IM meeting because it is possibly related).

* Books (?, not sure what this referred to but possibly referring to books that deal with this issue).

* Sending literature on tolerance to schools.

This is the best that I can do at this point with my notes. I may not be able to take such meticulous notes at every meeting but this one was fairly easy. If anyone that attended that day needs to correct me on any of this, or add anything significant that I missed, email me and I'll do my best to correct it.
How can domestic violence be prevented?
May 2nd, 2015 from  9:30 AM to 11:30 AM