Movie Night – Underwater Dreams

UNDERWATER DREAMS, narrated by Michael Peña, and written and directed by Mary Mazzio, chronicles the true story of how the sons of undocumented Mexican immigrants learned how to build underwater robots. And go up against MIT in the process. 

Underwater Dreams

This is a local story about the robotics team at Carl Hayden High School in Phoenix! You can see the trailer here: 


I purchased this movie - with help from HSGP - including permission to show it. You may remember that we screened it at a Sunday Speaker meeting in 2014. One of the Dreamers, Cristian Arcega (in the light blue shirt), came to speak to us. It was pretty awesome, and it's about time to enjoy the movie again!      - Jennifer White

BYOB and snacks to share always welcome. 

The HSGP Humanities Project holds free and open meetings on the 2nd Friday of each month at 7pm at HCC. The majority of the evening is given over to one or more of our HSGP members or guests, to share with us some aspect of arts & humanities that they are passionate about!

We are committed to bringing outstanding people from the world of humanities to present to HSGP at least once per year at the Sunday Speaker Meetings.

Your HSGP Humanities Project Committee.

April 14th, 2017 from  7:00 PM to  9:00 PM
Mesa, AZ 85211
United States