How can the education system be improved? Presented by Inquiring Minds Discussion Group
Topic: How can the education system be improved?

The subtopic on this is "Testing Methodology" but the discussion can have a much broader range than that. Possible subtopics include: Should the system be run at the federal level or state or where? Are charter schools good or bad? Voucher systems? How to get religious doctrine out of the school system? etc. And, of course, should I be required to go back to school to learn proper grammar? Since we have numerous teachers in our Meetup followers, as well as other professionals in the education system, I suspect that this will be a very informative discussion. I hope you can join us!

Do some research on your own if you like and find some articles or links to help with the discussion and feel free to post related articles in the comments section on our Meetup page (see the link below).

If you are interested, a group of us like to go out to lunch afterward. We will wrap up the meeting around noon so you just might be hungry by then.

Please go to our Meetup page to RSVP and to see related articles: HSGP Inquiring Minds Meetup.

Hosted by Richard Dewey the first Saturday of each month.
How can the education system be improved?
February 6th, 2016 from  9:30 AM to 11:30 AM